Friday, October 9, 2009

The Aura Migraine

So a few weeks ago I had something weird happen to me that I have never experienced. It started off with some interesting "vision stuff" (to put it in correct medical terms :) ) going on. I was putting on my makeup when my vision started to go kinda blurry on me. I then went over to the computer and I couldn't read anything on the screen. It was like there was something blocking part of my vision (tunnel vision?? I should ask Justin for the correct terms shouldn't I?!?) Justin was home that morning and I told him about it. Then I started to make lunch, when all the sudden my fingers and my hand started going completely numb. I complained to him about that and he told me to go lay down. As I was laying down the numbness left my hand but I started to go numb in the lips. I was trying to explain it to Justin and I couldn't even get the right words to come out of my mouth. I knew what I wanted to say, but it was coming out jumbled. I thought "Am I imagining this stuff? This is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced" and Justin was kinda getting a little concerned. But then everything went away and I was okay. About an hour later I started to get a massive headache. Justin went to school, I put Jackson down for a nap and I tried to sleep too (the pain was so bad I could hardly sleep). I'm pretty sure the headache lasted at least 3 hours. The day ended and I didn't think anything of it....

A week or so later I was reading a friends blog who just had a baby. She was talking about getting really bad headaches and blurred vision and having to go on bed rest the last part of her pregnancy because the Dr's were worried about pre eclampsia. That's when I remembered my weird experience. I went to the Google Dr. and after a lot of searching and getting different ideas of what it could possibly be, I self diagnosed myself with Aura Migraines.

The Aura Phase is usually 20-40 mins before a migraine headache attacks. It has the most bizaare symptoms that include: visual disturbances, dizziness, ringing in the ears, trouble focusing, slurred speech or trouble finding the right word when you talk (aphasia). You may smell an odour that isn't there (some migraineurs just will not be convinced that they don't have horrible BO!). Some have numbness or tingling in hands, feet or lips (lasting about 20 minutes). Yawning. Thirst. Irritability or euphoria. Stiff neck. Some people just have a gradually coming on "not right" feeling, or wake up feeling like they've been "hit by a train." In rare cases even amnesia or advanced hallucinations Aura usually effects 15-20% of people who have migraines. These symptoms actually occur because of some weird phenomenon going on in the brain. (info. from

I always find it interesting to discover new things about myself... remember my avocado discovery a little over a year ago? I am definitely not excited to have to experience migraines, and I haven't had an experience like this since, but it may be something I will have to get looked at if it continues to bother me.

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